Collection: 10 Heavy Roast

Heavy roasting imparts a rich and robust taste and aroma to the tea leaves.

During the heavy roasting process, tea leaves undergo high temperatures and prolonged heating. In this process, a significant amount of moisture within the tea leaves evaporates, resulting in a substantial reduction in moisture content. Additionally, some volatile components within the tea leaves are released at high temperatures, forming a distinctive strong aroma. Certain chemical compounds within the tea leaves also undergo further transformation. For example, polyphenolic substances in the tea leaves undergo enzymatic oxidation reactions, contributing to the unique color and taste of the tea leaves.

Compared to medium baking, heavy baking involves higher temperatures and longer durations of baking. This allows for more thorough transformation of chemical components within the tea leaves, resulting in a richer taste. We can feel a chocolate tone in heavily roasted tea, even the flavour of a bit of sourness and sweetness.
Tieguanyin black tea picked and roasted in northern Taiwan in the summer has a rich flavour that is one of the famous tea of heavy roasting.